Studying from home, to stay motivated and use your time productively during these unprecedented and challenging times.
Here are some effective ways to help you keep up your progress in the classroom.

⇒Take hand written notes
Handwritten notes help you commit more information tomemorize and make the material easier to understand.
These days many people can type faster than they can write by hand, particularly if they’ve grown up using laptops.
⇒Manage your time
Make "Have to do", "Should do", and "Want to do" lists and go through them in that order.
Prioritize your studies and daily life activities. Turn off distracting apps, and focus on study.
Be input oriented and not output oriented, say I will study 2hours today instead of finishing 2 lessonstoday.

⇒Take short breaks
Use the pomodoro technique–study intervals of 25 minutes, rewarded by 5 minutes of break. Remember why you are here, remind yourself your goals and focus on it. Reach out to the teachers and classmatesif you need help, or are stuck. There are tons of resourcesavailable online.
Sleep, socialize, watch TV, exercise! With the course go all in, but remember: you can't go anywhere without fuel!
Read biographies of successful people , watch motivational videos and keep improving your skills.
I hope these tips will be really helpful for all students.